
Aug 26, 2021
From Bountiful Orthodontics...
May 7, 2019
From Bountiful Orthodontics...
Jul 21, 2016
Today's the Day!!! Summer Splash '16 @ Cherry Hill. Patients in Active Treatment; or waiting to…
Today's the Day!!! Summer Splash '16 @ Cherry Hill. Patients in Active Treatment; or waiting to begin treatment are eligible to attend. Check in starts @ 3:00; Applewood Pavilion located on the west side of the park. 5:30 Sandwiches, chips & water for you and your guest. Prize drawings @ 6:30; must be present to win.

Any additional family/friends that want to join us; we'd love to have them. Just go to any ticket window and let them know you are with the fun group, Bountiful Orthodontics. Wristbands will be discounted that afternoon/evening for $8 each member.

It will be a great time for all who are able to be there with us.
Jul 18, 2016
Tell Your Parents Popsicles = Breakfast!
This easy recipe lets you combine all the fruits you love in a fantastic, healthy way!
Jul 11, 2016
The Top 5%
All orthodontists are dentists, but only 5% of dentists are orthodontists.
Jul 8, 2016
Sip All Day and Get Decay
There's a saying in the dentistry world: "Sip all day and get decay." Sipping sugary drinks increases the amount of time your teeth are exposed to carbohydrates like sugars, thus increasing the likelihood of acquiring cavities.
Jul 6, 2016
"You're killin' me, Smalls!" --Ham Porter (Patrick Renna) in "The Sandlot" (1993) (Photo Credit:…
"You're killin' me, Smalls!"
--Ham Porter (Patrick Renna) in "The Sandlot" (1993)
Jul 4, 2016
Easy Prevention
Even if you don't have time to floss after every meal, rinse your mouth with mouthwash four times a day, or constantly drink fluoridated water, at least be sure to brush for two to three minutes at least twice a day to give your teeth the minimal care they need to be healthy.
Jul 1, 2016
Forsake the Steak
If you are wearing braces, avoid hard foods (such as nuts and hard cookies), and sticky foods (like gum, toffee, caramels, and fruit bars). Foods such as apples and carrots should be chopped into small pieces before eating to reduce the stress on your braces. Similarly, do not chew ice, as it will strain the braces and lead to damage.
Jun 29, 2016
Expert Ice Trick
If you experience any swelling, try applying packs of ice to your face for 15 minutes on then 15 minutes off, until the swelling is sufficiently reduced.